Filtrair is a globally-present manufacturer of synthetic air filtration media and rigid pocket filters.
The manufacturing site in the Netherlands is NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2000 certified.
We are a leading supplier of high efficiency air intake filtration materials to protect indoor environments,
commercial applications, and industrial processes from harmful ingress of natural and inorganic dust or other solid contaminants.
Filtrair is recognized as a specialist supplier to the automotive coating and spray painting facilities of all
leading auto assembly companies in Europe, North America, and Asia as well as to their subsidiaries located throughout the world.
We are also globally recognized as a market leader for filtration products in the related automotive body repair facilities.
Our products have also been developed for and applied in scores of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems,
installed in public buildings and plants. Moreover, Filtrair air filters are found to protect gas turbines,
sensitive manufacturing processes, high-tech equipment and medical facilities in addition to food-processing,
pharmaceutical and electronic facilities.
Over the years Filtrair has developed an enviable track record on all continents,
today supplying its materials to over 65 countries through Filtrair subsidiaries and independent national stocking and air
filter service distributors.
Filtrair has been active in air filter media manufacturing since 1965 and nowadays it forms a part of the
USA based Filtration Group headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.
Contact us for more information