p like professional
Our p shall represent you as the professional user of our high quality protective gloves,
but also the professionalism of our own commitment in product development, production and service!
Please challenge us with your specific questions or suggestions, equally referring our products or innovations.
With pleasure we advise you on choosing the right glove for your purposes.
p-protect® production and environment
Almost the entire global demand for protective gloves is produced in Asia. Likewise our gloves. Why?
Firstly, most of the raw materials grow biologically in asian countries,
and people there should be given the right to earn on the further production process as well.
Secondly because of the large difference in standards of living between the continents.
Certainly considerate working conditions are guaranteed and there doesn’t exist any child labour in our factories.
Thirdly because of the lower energy costs. Our factories operate with own biomass power stations,
fired with residues from wood industry and agriculture.
That’s why our best selling glove p-protect® CRAFT (natural rubber latex) is absolutely conserving natural resources and
is produced almost carbon-neutrally.
p-protect® sales
As an importer and general distributor we sell to selected merchants all over Europe.
Requests from users we pass to our local trading partners. We usually deliver to a not limited number of dealers per country.
In some European countries there are exclusive general importers.
p-protect® logistics
The city of our headquarter, Kiefersfelden, is located in the South of Germany, close to the Austrian border.
There is a direct connection to the autobahn Berlin - Munich – Verona and moreover, a freight rail hub.
Here we hold the central warehouse for our customers.
The daily deliveries for Europe are done by train, cargo forwarding, UPS, DHL and Austrian Post.
Contact us for more information